I prefer the solar lighting to low-voltage lighting as the lights can be moved, there is no trenching in of wires and the power bill doesn't see an increase. I enjoy being able to rearrange my lights occasionally; not a feasible option with low-voltage lighting.
There are many types available and the variety increases each year. The prices have also come down over the years as well, which makes them an affordable yard enhancement. I try to but at least a couple new lights each year; some years I buy more than I should. I have the tops of 7 lights on my Bistro Table, as my dogs decided to destroy the globes. I'm glad I was able to salvage a few anyway.
Below is a picture taken earlier today while I was out in the yard. I grouped a few together for the picture, but won't get to enjoy their true beauty until after dark this evening.
The one on the left is very pretty, and can be either hung up or set on a table. The chimes on the right have a color-changing tube down the center (which can't be seen due to the angle). On the lower left of the hook, there is one from my very first set. The four surrounding the hook don't look like much during the day, but are very pretty - and bright - at night.
Solar lighting has become very popular in recent years. Along with being used in yards and gardens, they are also being used at grave sites. (I myself have placed solar lights on my grandparents' and sister's grave sites.) It is not uncommon to drive past a cemetery and see it all lit up.
In addition to moving my lights around I also cut back the Lavatera from alongside the house. As you can see in the picture below, I had "help". I was so afraid I was going to catch a tail in the loppers, as the cats wouldn't stay put.
My plan is to build up this bed this year and add some heat loving tomatoes and peppers. it will take a bit of work but increasing my growing space will be worth it. A row of solar lights along the front of the bed will also mark the path so I'm not tripping over anything when I go for an evening walk around the yard.
Now that I have taken a break from the yard work it is time to get back to it. The solar lights pictured below are identical to the set I have only the tops for now. They still work and add a nice glow to the underside of the Bistro table.
Happy gardening!